Reorder Paragraphs Practice Test – In re-order paragraphs, you are required to arrange to restore the original order of the text. The answers are given at the end.
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Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense. #1
Author | September 6, 2016 | Re-Order Paragraphs | 4 Comments
Reorder Paragraphs Practice Test – In re-order paragraphs, you are required to arrange to restore the original order of the text. The answers are given at the end.
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Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense. #1
[A]. This feeling of an extensive group gives rise to a fellow feeling, a feeling of brotherhood amongst the citizens.
[B]. This feeling takes up beyond the bounds of family, caste, religion as well as region and helps us to develop a broad perspective that all of us together constitute an extensive group called ‘the nation’.
[C]. National integration is the feeling among all the citizens of a country that they all are part of one nation.
[D]. We do not, then, limit our thinking to our own caste or religion but think about all our fellow citizens.
Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense. #2
[A]. The celebrations of economic recovery in Washington may be as premature as that “Mission Accomplished” banner hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln to hail the end of the Iraq war.
[B]. Meanwhile, in the real world, the struggles of families and communities continue unabated.
C]. Washington responded to the favorable turn in economic news with enthusiasm.
[D]. The celebrations and high-fives up and down Pennsylvania Avenue are not to be found beyond the Beltway.
[E]. When the third quarter GDP showed growth of 7.2% and the monthly unemployment rate dipped to 6%, euphoria gripped the US capital.
Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense. #3
[A]. But in the industrial era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity means bombing the factories which are located in the cities.
[B]. So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, what you want to do is burn his fields, or if you’re really vicious, salt them.
[C]. Now in the information era, destroying the enemy’s productive capacity means destroying the information infrastructure.
[D]. How do you battle with your enemy?
[E]. The idea is to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, and depending upon the economic foundation, that productive capacity is different in each case.
[F]. With regard to defence, the purpose of the military is to defend the nation and be prepared to do battle with its enemy
[C][B][A][D] 2. [E][C][B][D][A] 3. [F][D][E][B][A][C]
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