Spelling rules

When to use “ly” and “lly”

Most of the times l and lly are used when changing adjective to adverb

Thumb rule

lly to be used in following situation

  1. When the word a word ends with “IC”, ——example automatically
  2. When the word ends with vowel + “LE”
  3. when the word ends with vowel + “L”, example beautifully


LY to be used

  1. when word ends with consonant, ——–example constantly
  2. when the word ends with “E” ,,,,but L is not before to E. Note, in such words following Pattern is observed, unlike below in point 3, vowel+ consonant + E. In these cases we keep E. ——–example lovely, lonely
  3. When the the word is ending in the following form, Consonant+Le. Following are the most used patterns ( -ble, -ple,-tle, -gle,dle) . In these cases we delete E ——- Example probably, simply



1.When the word ends with Y, —— example easily, sillily

exception is Day—- Daily


 when “EI” to be used instead of “IE”

I before E, Except after C or when sounding like AY as in neighbour and Weigh


Exceptions are

Seize, either, neither, height, species, weird,

counterfeit, forfeit,

science, conscience, sufficient,

foreign, leisure( covered undey “AY”)

 Plural sufixes

Rule: If a word ends with “S”, “SH”, “CH”, “X”, and ” Z” es is added, otherwise s is added.


Logic:- these endins are ssssssssss in pronounciation, it will be difficult to pronounce only “S” after these. Hence, “ES” is used.


When to use double letters

  1. When a word ends in a short vowel ( read as one vowel) + one consonant, we must double the consonant when adding a vowel suffix——- For Example, geting, runner, spotted


  1. L
  2. L


  1. When “shun” is pronounced and s included in spelling


1.When a noun is made from verb we use sion

2.When verb ends with ss we use ssion


To be studied again via internet


  1. when to use “LAS”,”LES” and “LUS”


  1. when we pronounce ” laaees” then las is used, example laser
  2. when leess is pronounced “les” is used


To be verified while practising for PTE .