PTE Exam Memories
Date: 22nd JUNE – Sydney
RA : some are new, 2 repeated from prediction
DI: graphs, and life cycles, pyramid – real pte
RS: all from repeated questions in YouTube
Retell lecture: repeated from YouTube, child birth rate
SWT: Tiny frog, Skipping breakfast
Essay: Traditional teaching
Reading FIB : Conservancy, project spokesman – both in Detox pte predictions
Reading FIB-RW : Australia dwellings, Mini helicopter , from Detox PTE prediction
RO : Short term memory, German sociologist, Bankrupt – all repeated from Detox pte predictions
SST : Australia housing, sound receptors ( Detox pte)
Listening fib : Environment Problems, Majority US students from Real pte
WFD: all from Detox pte videos.
7 JUNE 2022 Australia
Describe Image:
Download music, Comparison of the fundamental needs with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy needs, Argentina exports & imports, China, Brazil & India consumption
Retell Lecture:
1. London, Scotland, Welsh population 2. Library tour, 3. Robot difficulty in study robot
Summarize written text :
1. Napping 2 Parent’s birth order
Essay: The mass media, including TV,
Write From Dictation:
Reorder… Jet stream, accounting software (To another person)
1.Many graduate journalists could get jobs in the communicating field.
2.Review all sources before drawing any conclusion.
3.An aerial photograph was promptly registered for thorough evaluations
08 JUNE 2022 Sydney
RL : Shakespeare, Elephant
DI : Annual Income of Bachelor Degree Holders in Different Fields
ASQ : How many years are there in the passage of a decade?
What is the opposite to “predecessor”?
What do we call a festival which is held every four years gathering people together as a sporting event?
SWT : Parent’s Born Order Affects Their Parenting , Voting in UK
Essay : Some people argue that experience is the best teacher. Life experiences can teach more effectively than books or formal school education. How far do you agree with this idea? Support your opinion with reasons and/or your personal experience.
RO : Human worship Gods
SST : Australian housing price
WFD : Synopsis contains the most important information.
15 June 2022 Melbourne
RA-all were all NEW
RS-All new , 50% were tough
DI- bulb cell circuit, economic inactivity through the generations, precipitation, temp bar graph, other were line, pie chart… manageable
ASQ-place to borrow books-Library,
What would vegetarian have sandwich, fruit salad,
Don’t remember others, 2-3 were new
SWT- Professor Russel’s life journey,
Honey as diet and it’s advantages
1 more don’t remember
Essay-As cities are expanding, whether the government should build public transportation or let construct more roads for those owning private vehicles.
support your point of view.
RWFIB: Omniscience
Other Reading-50% from prediction files
SST- 1.Biology DNA and Gene’s,
2.some urban , country side movement
Aerial photograph evaluation
Sugar is a compound made of hydrogen, oxygen , something
2 more , manageable
07 JUNE 2022
Morning 11.00Am (Melbourne Australia)
RA.. Easy
RS.. (4 to 5 repeated from videos)
DI.. All graphs
Asq.. 8 repeated
Essay.. Tourism benefits
ROP.. watercycle.. Water particals
Fib.. Both lengthy
Listening.. sst (Sound receptors)
Wfd in exam (All new)
The capability of today’s world
It was about occupation
The speaker said jobs in finding word in an automative environment
All the best
Date: 05th JUNE 2022 Singapore
RA : Japanese tea ceremony, Blue, Lincoln
DI: some are graphs, and life cycle of plant.
RS: all from YouTube
Retell lecture: from YouTube, animal behaviour
Safty Tim Berners Lee
Honey benefits
Essay: TV can relax us?
Favoru for Dangerous Activities?
Reading fib: computer science, darwin and some other can’t remember.
Rw : New Zealand kiwi,
RO : wagon ways, vegetarian -From YouTube.
SST : Skip breakfast, wine industry
Listening fib : tax increase
WFD: all from june repeated youtube videos.
Exam memories:
Today @ Perth
RA- repeated from ape uni & others new but bit lengthy
RS- 5 out of 8 from careercoves
Rl – globalisation & other one cant remember
DI- 2 repeat from apeuni (virus replication) & others new but easy
ASQ- all repeated from firefly
SWT- both repeated from ape uni
WE- personal life vs jobs
FIBW- repeated from realpte & ape uni . 3 questions new but not hard
FIB- most of the questions new
RO- computer games & UN organisation something ..
WFD- all career covers ( synopsis../ chemistry building located/ many graduates ..communication filed
FIBL – both from firefly
SWT- diet plan & other 2 also repeated from apeuni
Singapore Pearson center 11 June 2022
2.Parents & children behaviour related
Workers involvement in companies decision. Adv & disadv.
Space x
1.Historian coin
2.New- Bees related research
3.China fax machine
1.Rural and urban
1. New-Time needed to process the lecture …
2. people need click the logo to enter site
3. Student live option Residence and apartments
10th June 2022 Box Hill VIC (Melbourne)
9th June , 8AM AEST
Parramatta centre, Sydney
Retell lecture: bold and shy fish
RA: easy( only 1 from predictions and rest are new)
DI: planets(Jupiter, Neptune ..etc)
Remaining are pie/ bar charts
RS: half of them are from latest precitions/ YouTube and rest are new medium length questions..
SWT: 1. preserving frogs
2. Healthy diet for athletes(honey)
Essay: what is the most important invention in the last 100 yrs among antibiotics, airplanes and computer
Listening blanks: active, static, abrupt, oceanographer
WFD: all 4 from predictions
Radio is one of the most popular forms of the entertainment throughout the world.
Rising inflation …
Reading: 1 out of 3 Reorders is from prediction files.
In his fascinating book Carbon Detox, George Marshall argues that people are not persuaded by information.
Our views are formed by the views of the people with whom we mix.
Of the narratives that might penetrate these circles, we are more likely to listen to those which offer us some reward.
He proposes that instead of arguing for sacrifice, environmentalists should show where the rewards might lie.
We should emphasize the old-fashioned virtues of uniting in the face of a crisis, of resourcefulness and
3-4 blanks(including both types )are from predictions(real pte/June )
Climate is the word we *use* for weather over a long period of time. The desert has a *dry* climate, because there is very little rain, The UK *has* a temperate climate, which means winters are, overall, mild *and* summers, generally don’t get too hot.
Australia and New Zealand have many common links. Both countries were recently settled by Europeans, are predominantly English speaking and in that sense, share a common cultural *heritage*. Although in close proximity to one another, both countries are geographically isolated and have small populations by world *standards*. They have similar histories and enjoy close relations on many fronts.
In terms of population characteristics, Australia and New Zealand have much in common. Both countries have minority indigenous populations, and during the latter half of the 20th century have seen a steady stream of migrants from a variety of regions throughout the world. Both countries have *experienced* similar declines in fertility since the high levels recorded during the baby boom, and alongside this have enjoyed the benefits of continually improving life expectancy. One consequence of these trends is that both countries are faced with an ageing population, and the *associated* challenge of providing appropriate care and sup
With their punk hairstyles and bright colors, marmosets and tamarins are among the most attractive primates on earth. These fast-moving, lightweight animals live in the rainforests of South America. Their small size makes it easy for them to dart about the trees, catching insects and small animals such as lizards, frogs, and snails. Marmosets have another unusual food source – they use their chisel-like incisor teeth to dig into tree bark and lap up the gummy sap that seeps out, leaving telltale, oval-shaped holes in the branches when they have finished. But as vast tracts of rainforest are cleared for plantations and cattle ranches marmosets and tamarins are in serious danger condition need eagerness danger of extinction.(Blanks answers: makes, source, branches, danger)
June 8, 2022 Perth ( ECU) Australia
RA- 50% repeated from ApeUni predictions
Reorder – bees, London train timetable
All repeated from ApeUni predictions
Essay: Marriage before job is good or not
Write From Dictation:
2 repeated from ApeUni predictions
Reading blanks
All repeated from ApeUni predictions
R&w blanks
3 repeated from ApeUni predictions
Location: Boxhill (Melbourne)
Date 7th June 2022
1. I will be in my office everyday from ten to twelve
2. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to other parts of the body
3. The US ranks 22nd in foreign aid given percentage of GDP
4. Most of the lectures begin promptly so don’t be late
Cloud formation
Stanford University
Architecture (poor architecture) – both I seen in ape uni..
Benefits of honey
Voting related
Public transportation vs building roads for own vehicle people
Earthquake in sanfransico
Application process can take longer than expected
Location Australia
Date 5 June 2022
Describe Image:
Download music, Comparison of the fundamental needs with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy needs, Argentina exports & imports, China, Brazil & India consumption
Retell Lecture:
1. London, Scotland, Welsh population 2. Library tour, 3. Robot difficulty in study robot
Summarize written text :
1. Napping 2 Parent’s birth order
Essay: The mass media, including TV,
Write From Dictation:
Reorder… Jet stream, accounting software (To another person)
1.Many graduate journalists could get jobs in the communicating field.
2.Review all sources before drawing any conclusion.
3.An aerial photograph was promptly registered for thorough evaluations.