Tips and tricks during covid 19 to crack PTE

In case, you are struggling and having less time from your works or studies and not able to achieve the desired result these tips could be helpful.

1.Use surgical marks in real exam (blue one is ok), please don’t appear in PTE exam with N95 and other marks, otherwise it will reduce your speaking and listening score as well as reading.

2.Focus on key areas which is having maximum marks in all sections (for example, RA and RS in speaking, essay writing, fills ups in reading and WFD in listening and so on)

Use specific strategy for each of these key areas because its Artificial intelligence AI tool and designed in a way that each section is testing our specific skill. For example, RA tests fluency, pronunciation and content, you might not get marks in all 3, but maximum in 2, that’s it, you will make it.For average students it’s my recommendation to use certain templates for Essays, SWT, SST, DI and retell. In my case as well as my student case it really worked well.

3.Practice is the key to get success in exam so while practicing, note down your mistakes in diary or computer so that you can review and recall during before exam.

4. Work on your strong as well as your weak part together in order to get desired score.

5.Before exam, I strongly recommend to go for the Pearson official paid mock test as well as some others mock test from free websites. I would suggest to go for official one at the end of the preparation to know your real level. Many people sell on discounted price (please beware or fraud).

6. During examination, try to be before time, certain time it gives advantage & I will recommend not to take 10 mints optional break, sometimes its is an issue.

7. Define your target i.e. 65+ or 79+ and prepare strategy accordingly. If target is 65+, I would say 3 to 4 weeks are sufficient, if 79+, then around 8 weeks. In my case, i am full time professional, so devoted around 8-10 weeks in total (1-2 hour a day & 4-5 hours on week end).

Last but not least, although, you can surely work with online sources, however, that depends on your strengths and weaknesses. Hence, decide accordingly and if required, choose someone who can help you with specific strategies, at last you need to do smart hard work.
All the best! In case, if you want to know specific strategy or trick I followed, you can ping me, I will be happy to share with you.


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